
Nano-science is the study of structures ans materials on the scale of nanometers, and it´s referers to the metric profix 10 -9 . It means one billionth of something. When structures are made small enought in the nanometer size range, they can take on interesting and useful properties. Nanoscience has already impacted our lives with innovations such as strain resistant fabrics inspired by nanoscale features found on lotus plants and computer hard drives, which store information on magnetic strips that are just 20 nanometers thick. Scientists and engineers from several disciplines including physics, chemistry, biology and material science use nanoscience principles for advanced applications in energy, medicine, information storage, computing and elsewhere. Nanotechnology will eventually provide us with the ability to design custom-made materials and products with new enhanced properties, new nanoelectronics components, new types of “smart” medicines and sensors, and even inter...