A little of myself

Before beggining i have to say that i am a very normal boy, whith a very normal life, but i have a passion, I enjoy learn about everything... yes everything and do nothing... yes nothing 😆

I was born in 1993, nowadays I am 24 years old, i have 2 brothers and i am the oldest, i enjoy spend time whith my family because we are a Little crazy, we argue all the time about everything, and that is why I love my family, my father is called juan like me, and my old grand, and my great-great-grandfather, I am acctually juan manuel gonzalez fourth 🙆

At the momento I study chemistry, I passed all  my courses already and now i am specifically working on atmosferic chemistry (we can sabe the world 💪)

I do every kind of stuff whith my Friends, but we love try every kind of drogs and evaluate the symptoms 🙈 👀, talk each other about the world and OVNIS 👽


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