POST NUMER 3: What about my technology

if I can choose only one piece of technology, my first answer will be a cell phone, the reazon is simple, a cell phone contains a lot of technology, only 10 years ago cell phones were largers than now, in only ten years technology inself advance a lot, betters cameras, better microchips, etc.

My cell phone nowadays help me in many different ways, to study, whatch some videos, and mostly read, today I don´t need to carry heavy books, and it helps me to talk with my friends and family

I got my first cell phone when I was 13 years old, at first was great, a lot of fake calls 😆
but after was a nightmare, because the people convert itself into zombies. they really "need" their cell phones.

The cell phone actually is one of the most used piece of technology  today, there are more cell phones than people, and this is just the start, the millenials are that type of person that reached its adult stage after the year 2000, and they have particular characteristics, for example a personality of discontent and love for technology

Today I can not see my life without a cell phone, no because i need it, it just a necesity for my education, i have a lot of adventage if i have one and use it, because digital information every day is advanced and I can not stay behind


  1. i like cell phones too, but i dont like to read on it, maybe you can try with a real book, i love to feel the smell of a new book or the paper in my hands


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