Post 2: Best Holidays/concert ever

 My best  Holiday was in the summer of 2017, me and my girlfriend went to the south, we visited a lot of places, with different kind of people, first of all, we started the trip in talca, and the experience of know every kind of places, be friends of a lot of new persons and admire different scenaries, was so perfect for me

we visited a lot of places in the route like Torres del Paine, Las 7 Tasas and visited a lot of volcanoes, and it was exausting, because we need a lot of protection on volcanoes, breathing masks, special shoes and a lot of clothes for the cold, but it was a great experience, and the view... only the view was worth it
Image result for paisajes chilenos con quimica

after that we visited temuco and the arounds and we stoped in my uncle´s house, we stay there for one week and visited a lot of rivers and lakes, and of course eat a lot of vegetables, that is because my uncle have a lot of greenhouses

Image result for invernadero

after that we need to star over our trip, and the next parade was chiloe and the extreme south, but we didn´t save our money so we wasted all, that is the reazon we couldn´t went more to the south, but it was great, and the nature, the view and the people we met was the best of my trip

Image result for sur de chile


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